Flatford Road Gasworks
OO Gauge DCC
The OO Gauge group have embarked on a new project, fully DCC and using JMRI as well, the layout is called "Flatford Road Gasworks" based very loosely on a plan one of our members produced of the old Gasworks & Malthouse at Brentwood, modellers license applies here as space limitations always get in the way. Baseboards have been sourced from Grainge & Hodder in the West Midlands, being laser cut for absolute accuracy giving us a secure and stable base to work with.
The build is already underway and you can follow the progress here and on our social media feed, It is hoped to have at least some of the layout operational with some place holder basic buildings for our next show in August 2024, but with any layout build its not guaranteed, its a very tight schedule for such a large undertaking, but we will do our best! and it is our intention to add to the images below to show progress as progress is made.
You too could also become involved by joining the club, pop over to the contact us page to arrange a visit.
Its alive !!!!!
Monday 23rd July 2024
Apologies, It's been a while, But we have been very busy...
Monday evening was a moment we have been working towards for quite a few weeks, with no less than three members using their 3d printers to make various bit for the Wago terminal blocks which we have used for the wiring. So the "first fix" wiring is completed and trains have been running, there are of course a few niggles to iron out, but we expected that and these will be sorted by the time you see the layout at our show in its Work in Progress form on Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th August and Thorpe Hall Schools Seaglass Centre. the team behind this have worked tirelessly pulling wires, terminating and fitted connectors over the past two months, we invite anyone to have a look under the layout to see what we have done, we of course will post pictures too...
Overall though, we are very pleased so far, we have the first seven Cobalt IP Digitals with more turnout motors to be installed after the show.
Wiring continues!
Monday 4th July 2024
It's been a while, But we have been very busy...
we have decided that we didnt like railways anymore and took up knitting, but then we also decided over a loverly cup o tea, and some apple turnovers with fresh cream, that knitting was not for us and turned our heads to wiring the layout.. we have been ultra busy with this task, shame its all hidden really!
We have made use of three members 3d printers to make various types of "Wago" terminal blocks mounts which we have used for the wiring. and started fitting turnout motors, the fiddle yard trackwork is also completed, but will require some work as we have identified and issue which needs to be addressed in the future.
Scenic section Trackwork Completed!
Tuesday 28h May, Its been a couple of weeks since we posted last, We hope you all had a great Bank Holiday weekend, We moved our normal Monday Club Night to Tuesday as it was yet another Bank Holiday, Not many members showed up in the club this evening, so those that were there cracked on with the work in hand, some were completing track laying, some were doing wiring on other boards, by the end of the evening were are pleased to say, that all the scenic section trackwork is now laid.
The track gangers have moved on to there next project, Curves, some of the track on the curves needs to be fettled a little, this was started this evening, IN a week of so, we expect to be on the fiddle yard boards, completing the track laying there in very quick order.
A number of the boards wiring is underway, there will be more coverage on this subject over the next few weeks we hope.
Even more progress!
Thursday 9th May, Its been a while since we posted last, but we thought we would update where we are at, so much has been happening, besides the bank holiday the same small team have been busy bevering away down the clubhouse, continuing with the track laying, both curves are now completed, wiring is underway on those. The scenic section is taking a large number of hours to get completely right as it is critical that alignments are perfect for reliable running, as you can see in the pictures below, we have made some big advances, the fiddle yard track is in place, although not secured as yet, that job will happen right after the scenic section track is completed.
Scenic section progress!
Thursday 11th April, a small team down the clubhouse, continued work on the track laying, completing the first curve between the scenic section and the fiddle yard, this section has taken a number of hours to get completely right and is critical for reliable running, with this end done, the guys will move to the other end and repeat the works there, once this is completed we will be able to be erect the end boards independently of the fiddle yard and scenic sections, for extensive testing. This evening even saw the first DCC powered loco running on the track, the fiddle yard track is somewhat dirty and has now been cleaned but the initial tests look very encouraging as everything worked as expected.